Article Summary: How to install the Ford Racing E-303 Camshaft into a Ford 302. The cam is part number: M-6250-E303. This camshaft installation takes approximately 1 hour.
In this post, I will explain how easy it is to install a camshaft in a small block Ford 302 engine. For this build, I decided to go with one of Ford’s famous letter camshafts. This particular model is commonly referred to as an “E” cam or E303. This is a nice cam that will provide adequate horsepower and sound nice. It has a lift of .311 @ .498 with an advertised duration of 282 degrees. This process is quick and easy and does not require any special tools. You will need a good set of latex or nitrile gloves and some Permatex assembly lube. You will need a clean work space and some time. Enjoy the photos below.
FORD RACING E303 CAMSHAFT: M-6250-E303 ~ $219.97 SUMMIT RACING: Purchase Here